KANSAS CITY, Missouri – Wayside Waifs spreads kindness with help from Hill’s Pet Nutrition to share Camp In A Box with Kansas City. Camp in a Box includes activities that help children learn more about the world around them, understand responsibility, and have respect for other living beings.

Hill’s underwrote the costs of the boxes and their contents. Both Hill’s and Wayside Waifs took part in helping build the boxes. Approximately 200 boxes were prepared at Wayside Waifs. Then, on Wednesday, 5/25/22, at the Hill’s National Meeting, Hill’s employees from all across the nation completed the packing of the boxes. It was the first in-person meeting they’ve had since before the pandemic hit and it was a celebration of the 20th anniversary of their Food, Shelter, and Love program. Their day ended with team photos taken with adoptable puppies from Wayside.
“Helping youth understand and have empathy for the world around them is so important right now,” said Ashley Stanley, Wayside’s Humane Education Manager. “By kids doing these activities and learning about their surroundings, they’re more likely to grow up with compassion which breaks the cycle of violence.”

Camp in a Box, which are being given to children at no cost, are filled with several activities – it’s a surprise which activities will be included! Each activity encourages empathy and kindness. A few activities are:
DIY Stethoscopes: children learn that Veterinarians care for an animal’s health by giving examinations. The child may become interested growing up to care for pets by becoming a Veterinarian.
Native Wildflower Seed Balls: children learn to protect the earth, that they directly impact nature, and to have respect for both things.
Enrichment Toys for Pets at Home: children make cat and dog toys that add joy to their pets’ lives which make children realize the positive influence they have on other beings.
Outdoor Scavenger Hunts: children learn that they can use their knowledge to solve problems which builds their confidence.
Yoga With Animals: children learn that animals, like humans, have feelings and emotions. They also learn they can have fun with animals. These things help children learn to respect animals, which leads towards respect for humans.
More than 280 boxes were delivered to every single student at Warford Elementary School today, 5/26/22. The children helped unload the boxes with two of Wayside’s Humane Educators. These educators, along with the rest of the Humane Education Team at Wayside, teach the No More Bullying!® curriculum to students at Warford Elementary. To read more about the No More Bullying!® program, visit: https://secure.waysidewaifs.org/site/SPageNavigator/Humane%20Education/NMB_Home.html
A total of 500 boxes were made. The remaining approximately 220 boxes are already being distributed to other local organizations where Wayside delivers their Humane Education programming.
About Wayside Waifs
As Kansas City’s largest and most comprehensive no kill pet adoption campus, Wayside Waifs prepares pets and people for the bond of their lives. Typically the organization cares for more than 6,000 animals. Wayside is a private, independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) charity. It receives no government funding and is supported entirely by private donations and grants. To see all of the animals available for adoptions or to donate, please visit WaysideWaifs.org.
Facebook: Wayside Waifs; Twitter: @WaysideWaifs; Instagram: @WaysideWaifs