2025 Animal Health Summit Emerging Company Application
Thank you for opening an Emerging Company Application for the 2025 Animal Health Summit, taking place in-person August 25-26.
The KC Animal Health Corridor is passionate about driving innovation in the animal health industry. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if we can be of assistance. Our entire team looks forward to partnering with you on this opportunity. Below you will find some brief instructions and best practices that will assist you during the application process.
- Required Fields: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required for final submission.
- Saving your Application: Please save your application often. While we don't anticipate any technical issues with the application portal, it is recommended that you create a word document with all application responses to ensure all of your information is secure.
- Financial Data: When entering currency into fields, please use the standard numeric form to format your text to ensure that accurate financial data is captured. (Example: Projected Revenue: $11,000,000)
- Presenter Agreement: The Presenter Agreement must be signed and submitted with your application for your application to be accepted as complete.
- Supplemental Attachment: All applicants are encouraged to include a ten-slide pitch deck. When uploading this document in the supplemental section, please include your company's name in the file name. Please keep the attachment to ten slides or less. The Selection Committee will not review pitch decks that exceed ten slides.
- Application Deadline: All applications must be finalized and submitted by 5:00 p.m. CDT on Monday, April 1, 2025.
Please contact Emily McVey at McVey@thinkKC.com, (816) 522-6168 with any further questions.
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